MINUTES OF MEETING VILLASOL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the VillaSol Community Development District was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the VillaSol Clubhouse, 3050 Puerta Del Sol Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Herman Perez Chairman Mario Cordova Vice Chairman Corey Gagnon via Zoom Assistant Secretary Servando Comas Jr. Assistant Secretary Mike Edgecombe via Zoom Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jeremy LeBrun District Manager Jarett Wright Field Operations Kristen Trucco District Counsel FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call Mr. LeBrun called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Three Board members were present in person constituting a quorum. Mr. Gagnon and Mr. Edgecombe joined via Zoom. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period (Limited to 3 Minutes) • Mark Gosdin (3131 Riachuelo Lane) commented non-native weeds growing in the pond by clubhouse. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Engineer Mr. LeBrun stated the District Engineer isn't on the line. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Matters May 14,2024 VillaSol CDD Mr. Perez requested to switch items A and B on the agenda. Ms. Trucco asked for a motion to change the order ofthe agenda. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, Switching Items A & B on the Agenda, was approved. Ms. Trucco stated a motion would be needed to open for public comments. Mr. Perez made the motion. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, Opening the Public Hearing, was approved. Mr. LeBrun asked for public comments referencing items A & B. Hearing no comments, the public comment period was closed. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, Closing the Public Hearing, was approved. B. Consideration of Towing Services Proposals & Agreement with Contractor Proposals were presented from Tad's Towing and Towlando Towing & Recovery. Each company has previously done towing in the community. Mr. Cordova stated he would like more consistency and the towing company to patrol more routinely and not target certain days such as holidays or days when there are events. Mr. Comas noted they cannot dictate to a vendor not to come on a certain day because it's a holiday as it would kill the process ofthe direction provided tothe company ofcomingwheneveravailable.Mr.LeBrunnoted iftheBoard wantedtoselecta vendor today, the start date could be after a workshop for the residents. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with Mr. Perez, Mr. Cordova, Mr. Gagnon, Mr. Edgecombe in favor and Mr. Comas opposed, Towlando as Towing Vendor -District Counsel to Add in Termination Clause to Agreement, was approved 4-1. Ms. Trucco noted messaging the community prior to towing commencement for question-and-answer session. She will check the rule for typos on the 2000's addresses on Casabella. 2 May 14,2024 VillaSol CDD A. Consideration of Proposal from National Data & Snrveying Services to Provide Traffic Data Collection Tabled, Board wanted to know what other data would be provided in addition to the traffic counts and speed. C. Consideration of Resolution 2024-05 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. LeBrun noted this resolution is setting a public hearing for August 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. at this location. The Board will hear from residents and officially adopt the budget. The proposed budget is attached to the resolution. This budget is the ceiling. The Board can make changes through the August hearing . The special assessments on roll are higher than FY2024, directed toward reserves as the Board is using a Reserve Study to look at the community. Total assessment for a townhome is $606.51 per year increase and single-family units $905.25 per year increase. Mr. Cordova asked if insurance claim was filed on the roof. It was prior to GMS. Ms. Trucco noted they can reach out to the insurance carrier to see if a claim was received. She asked if there was discussion when creating the budget about the stormwater piping. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-05 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing for August 13, 2024, was approved. D. Consideration ofHOA Requestto Install Additional Street Lighting Locations Mr. LeBrun noted the HOA is looking to add lights to a specific section and wanted to seeiftheBoardwould beamenabletosharingthecost oftheelectric. Mr.Cordovastatedit'san easement at the rear of the townhome buildings. After discussion, the Board tabled this item. The Board needs more information to consider, suggestion made to install motion security lights similar to what is already in other areas. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Counsel A. Annual Reminder on Florida Laws for Public Officials Ms. Trucco reviewed the Gifts Law, Voting Conflicts, Misuse of Public Position, Quorum and Sunshine Laws, and Public Records Law. Ms. Trucco commented on Truist's response to remaining development disputed charges needing review, resident concern about gate access sticker cost, and the boat dock on a parcel 3 May 14,2024 ViIlaSol CDD owned by Otero & Associates so suggested ordering title work. Mr. Comas asked how the payment for the spike strips was made, directly to resident or to CDD then resident? Ms. Trucco will check with Jason. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with Mr. Perez, Mr. Cordova, Mr. Comas, Mr. Edgecombe in favor and Mr. Gagnon opposed, Counsel to Order Title Work for Boat Dock not to Exceed $500, was approved 4-1. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report A. Approval of Minutes of the March 19,2024 Meeting Mr. LeBrun asked for approval of the minutes from the March 19, 2024 meeting which are in the electronic agenda for review. He asked for any comments or revisions. Mr. Perez noted a correction on page 4, second sentence, it would result in a special private gain or loss to himself to submit a claim and not because of his relationship to the company. Mr. Comas noted on the last meeting he wasn't present but was on the phone and can show proof. Mr. Cordova would like to see proof that existed. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the Minutes from the March 19, 2024, Meeting, were approved as amended. B. Approval of Check Register Mr. LeBrun presented the check register on page 70 of the agenda for approval. This is for February including checks 5861-5883 totaling $61,316.56. Behind that is the line-by-line register that shows the check run. There is also March 1st -March 31st checks 5884-5917 totaling $47,320.70. The line-by-line register is behind that. He asked for any questions on the check registers. A Board member questioned a Staple's printer for $1,173, King Access every month, and towing reimbursement to resident. Mr. Wright noted the Staples charge was for extra supplies for the printer, the King Access charges are for the access system, and on the towing the CDD paid but the resident had the vendor pay the CDD. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the Check Registers, was approved. C. Balance Sheet and Income Statement 4 May 14,2024 VillaSol COO Mr. LeBrun presented the balance sheet and income statement on page 83 of the electronic agenda. This is through March 31st. The District is about 90% collected. No action is required by the Board. D. Presentation of Number of Registered Voters -765 Mr. LeBrun stated the CDD is required to announce the number of registered voters within the District. As of April 15, 2024 there are 765 registered voters. E. General Election Qualifying Period and Procedure Mr. LeBrun stated the qualifying period is from noon on Monday June 10, 2024 through noon on Friday June 14, 2024. Instructions are included for qualifying for Supervisors. Seats #2 and #3 are up for election in November. EIGHm ORDER OF BUSINESS Field Operations A. Field Manager's Report Mr. Wright presented the Field Manager's Report. Items included pressure washing, pond trash clearing, drainage gates flushed, gutters cleared, signage removal, front entrance delineator posts removed to be replaced, hydraulic lifts installed in pump house, spa heater removed to be replaced in May, new gas vendor to test tanks and lines on June 14t\ establishing with Spies to purchase chemicals/lease readers, and roof replacement nearing completion. i, Ratification of Estimates from Complete Access Control O.C.F., Inc. for Pool Gate Replacement and Clubhouse Access Control Updates Mr. Wright presented the proposal from Complete Access Control O.C.F., Inc. at $22,279.29. He was given a NTE of $20,650 for gate replacement. He asked for ratification and will have Kristen work on agreements moving forward with this. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with Mr. Perez, Mr. Cordova, Mr. Gagnon, Mr. Edgecombe in favor and Mr. Comas opposed, the Estimate from Complete Access Control O.C.F., Inc. for Pool Gate Replacement and Clubhouse Access Control Updates for $22,279.29, was ratified 4-1. Mr. Wright noted Supervisor Mario did contact another pool vendor based on some issues they are having. The proposals are not included in the agenda. He asked besides the repairs portion proposals, is the Board opposed to him deferring the service one until next month 5 May 14,2024 VillaSol CDD once it is on the agenda and all parties can see what they are talking about. Mr. Cordova has an issue with the Health Department shutting the pool down but having no record of shutting it down. There is a lot of algea that can't be controlled. The pricing on a lot of repairs that the new vendor is suggesting is exuberant compared to other companies' charges. He feels the spa needs to be brought to operational status so it can be determined if any more money needs to be put into it. He asked if the price is for each feeder for the spa and the pool. Mr. Wright noted two chemical feeders were budgeted in the proposal. Mr. Cordova recommended approving the repairs and the maintenance continued upon them starting after the contract with 5 Star is done. Mr. Wright recommended waiting until October to switch pool vendors. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Public Comment Period was opened. • Resident Mark Gosdin commented with summer the pool will be messed up every day and the Board needs to get somebody that can keep it going. Agrees with Mario that the pool inspector has done some strange things. On MOTION by Mr. Comas, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the Public Comment Period was closed. Mr. Cordova asked if this needs to be done before opening up the pool. The pool has been closed too long. Mr. Wright noted the pool is clear to open up with the understanding that they are working on the pool and spa. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with Mr. Perez, Mr. Cordova, Mr. Comas, Mr. Edgecombe in favor and Mr. Gagnon opposed, the Repairs to Spa for Motor $630 and Acid Wash and Cartridge Replacement of Both Filters $650 for Total of $1,280, Start Maintenance Wash (Plus Fountain added to Proposal) from Carifel Pool Services and Terminate 5 Star, New Maintenance Vendor to Start with Terminated Contract for 5 Star, was approved 4-1. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests & Comments Mr. Cordova noted the monument up front needs attention and suggested getting proposals on repairs. He noted with field management being there once a week and a lot of things coming up has been a challenge. He has a proposal from PGS Centrum that provides 6 May 14,2024 VilIaSol CDD maintenance service twice a week and will submit the proposal to field management for the next meeting. Mr. Comas commented the lighting up front needs attention. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -June 11, 2024, at 5:00PM Mr. LeBrun stated the next meeting date will be on June 11,2024, at 5:00 p.m. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. 7