MINUTES OF MEETING VILLA SOL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the VillaSol Community Development District was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the VillaSol Clubhouse, 3050 Puerta Del Sol Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Herman Perez Chairman Mario Cordova Vice Chairman Corey Gagnon Assistant Secretary Mike Edgecombe via Zoom Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jarett Wright Field Operations Kristen Trucco District Counsel Peter Armans by Zoom FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Three Board members were present in person constituting a quorum. Mr. Edgecombe joined via Zoom. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period (Limited to 3 Minutes) Mr. Showe stated this was the time for audience members to make any public comments. There were no comments. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Engineer A. Speed Hump Information Mr. Armans reviewed the stormwater issues. He noted there were no bids received on the stormwater projects. The Board asked to prioritize the work to be completed. Ms. Trucco asked March 19, 2024 ViIlaSol CDO about the deadline to submit. She noted a contractor for other CDDs that VillaSol may want to use. Other discussion included costs, scope of services, and resurfacing. Ms. Trucco made comments on requisitions and/or records on the boat ramp locations and ownership. The engineer had signed requisitions, but nothing was found. Ms. Trucco will follow-up on this issue. Mr. Arman discussed the specifics of the speed bumps versus speed humps, the location, the number the Board wanted to be installed, the size, pricing, effectiveness of slowing the speed of cars, difference between the two, signage, and recommendations from the engineer of specific locations. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Matters A. Discussion of Spike Strip Claim Mr. Showe reviewed the spike strip claim and the future impacts. He noted the insurance will decide on moving forward, reimbursement, language in the agreements, and following the recommendation of the insurance company. The Board noted the precedent the outcome may set for settling these claims. Ms. Trucco made comments on paying the individual and the potential of a legal suit. Her recommendation was to follow insurance guidance. The Board ask for a status update on the claims from individuals and concerns on rising premiums. The staff recommendation is to have the claims submitted to be paid. Ms. Trucco added comments about the Board paying legal defense to defend the claims if needed. There was no action on this item. B. Discussion of Revised Reserve Study Mr. Showe provided an overview of the revised Reserve Study for the Board. He noted changes including reduction of landscaping allowances to $75,OOO/year in capital, stormwater moved to capital, amounts for entire roadways, average per year to fully fund. Specifics for adjusting the budget. Discussion included plats, development, transfers to the CDD, adjustment on roadways. Mr. Showe explained he always projected high numbers for budgeting. The Board asked for a milder approach and starting with less contribution and increasing it to 10 years. Mr. Showe noted the CFO recommended an 8-20 to 30% for the reserve. Discussion ensued on raising assessments or not, improvements for homeowners, projects that needed attention, road repairs, and funding hurricane funds. 2 March] 9, 2024 VillaSo] eDD C. Consideration of HOA Request to Store Roofing Material Mr. Showe reviewed the request to store roofing material. Ms. Trucco commented on the forms to be completed, included costs in case of damage and repair, drainage issues, location, and recommendations for placement of dumpsters. Discussion included the reduction of parking areas, damage to the grass area, and Board direction for staff. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Drafting of the Easement Agreement with the HOA, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Counsel Ms. Trucco noted there had been no new legal issues since last Board meeting. She commented on several prior claims submitted. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report A. Approval of Minutes of the February 13,2024, Meeting Mr. Showe asked for approval of the minutes from the February 13,2024, meeting which are in the agenda packet. He asked for any corrections or changes to those minutes. Ms. Trucco made comments on several changes. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with all in favor, the Minutes from the February 13, 2024, Meeting, were approved as amended. B. Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe reviewed the check register. In the General Fund there are checks 5839 -5870 for $53,783.45. Additional comments were made on the follow-up on the insurance company that the CDD is paying for EDT monthly, but the alarm never gets turned on. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. C. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Showe stated there was no action from the Board. He stated the capital fund had $301,000. He noted they are almost 92% collected on their assessments. 3 March 19,2024 VillaSo1 CDD Ms. Trucco asked Mr. Perez to state for the record his statement voting status on the spike strips. Mr. Perez stated he abstained from voting on the spike strips claim because of his relationship to the result in a special private gain or loss to himself since he submitted a claim. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with Mr. Perez abstaining, to Follow the Recommendation of the Insurance Company ofPaying Spike Strip Claim, was approved 3-0. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Field Operations A. Field Manager's Report & Maintenance Bid Summary Mr. Wright presented the Field Manager's Report. He reviewed the results of the inspection of the pool. He reviewed the inspection results and recommendations for repair. Questions include how the fireplace worked, residents' ability to operate, and automatic turn off/on. Mr. Wright noted it was a Board decision on putting gas in the fireplace and the possibility for the timer installation. He included updates on fountain maintenance addition to contract, the repairs to metal snap lock, clubhouse camera system, capturing residents' license plates, and signage updates. Mr. Wright commented on painting, signage communication, and timelines. B. Pool Maintenance Proposals i, Replace Gas Powered Spa Heater Mr. Wright presented the proposal for the gas-powered spa heater: He noted this was for $4,033. It was noted the current one was not functional and had not been functioning for several years. Clarification was made on the timer, and that the filtration of the spa is affected by the water heater not working. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the Repair ofthe Gas Spa, was approved. ii. Replace Broken ADA Chair Lift Motors Mr. Wright presented the proposal for the broken ADA chair lift motor. Operation of the chair was discussed including a hydraulic addition to the lift and the costs. This proposal was for $2,756.73. On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Repairs for the ADA Chair Lift, was approved. 4 March 19,2024 VillaSol con iii. Amend Service Contract to Include Fountain Maintenance Mr. Wright presented the addition of the fountain maintenance to the current contract. He noted this was for 2/times a week for $260/month. Electric and aeration of the fountains were discussed. Ms. Trucco added comments regarding the drafting of the new agreement to include the additional services. The Board asked Mr. Wright for a list of items that are being replaced with the month and date for keeping track of these issues. Also discussed were the paint colors and for them to be posted in a folder for updates. Updates were provided on paint colors, types of paint, costs of paints, monument repairs before painting, and lighting changes. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the Addition to the Service Contract to Include Fountain Maintenance, was amended. C. Roof Replacement Proposals l, Replace Roofwith Spanish Tile Mr. Wright presented proposal for roof repair with Spanish tile. He commented on preference of materials, combinations of tiles, timeline for replacement, costs, concern with roofing on other locations on property to combine costs, and budgeting for this project. Also discussed were the leaks in the clubhouse, putting lattice or trellis over the area instead of roof replacement, and going with lowest bid. Concerns were noted on the possibility of the extended timeline for materials and project completion. Discussion included the snap lock options and the option of Eagle Concrete tile. After discussion the Board made the decision on a not to exceed amount of $100,000 and to have Mr. Cordova as the final authority once a final quote is obtained. Vendor options were discussed for the final choice. The Board ask about having inspectors to certify the proper installation, county inspections, and warranties. It was asked that Mr. Wright seek other proposals. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with all in favor, the Not to Exceed Amount of $100,000 for Roofing Repairs with the Designation for Mr. Cordova as the Authority When Quote is Final, was approved. ii. Replace Metal Snap-lock 5 March 19,2024 VillaSol CDD Mr. Wright presented the metal snap lock option in the above discussion. iii. Replace Roof with Eagle Concrete Tile (2) Mr. Wright presented the proposal of the Eagle concrete tile option in the above discussion. D. Road Paving Proposals i. Road Edge Mill and Overlay (3) Mr. Wright presented the proposals for road paving. It was suggested to invest the money in the speed humps rather than road paving. Discussion included the placement, cost of speed humps, resident concerns, signage for speed humps, radar for tracking speeding, and obtaining quotes for the radar for speeding. It was noted there would be 4 points in the community for the placement. After discussion the Board decided to have quotes brought to the next meeting and table any decision at this time. Trash cans replacements, costs, and sizes were discussed as well as the locations for the new cans to be placed. After discussion the Board decided to replace 4 trash cans. On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Purchase of 4 Trash Cans, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests & Comments Mr. Showe asked for Supervisor's requests and audience comments. There was discussion on the tables in the clubhouse to include they would sit 70 people, the 6-foot folding table pricing, square or round options, and other replacement options. Other discussion was held on the purchasing of the tables, using the credit card with GMS and 15%. The Board ask about having a credit card attached to the CDD budget for purchases, and transparency of purchasing. Other topics included free items to benefit the CDD and the process for donations. Ms. Trucco commented on the acceptance of donations, disposal of items and the process. Discussion ensued on the installation of sound panels that would be donating, updates on spike strips and storage. After discussion the Board decided to surplus the speed humps and the tables. 6 March 19,2024 VillaSol CDD On MOTION by Mr. Cordova, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, to Surplus the Speed Humps and Broken Tables, was approved. Ms. Trucco commented on maximum length permitted and hourly rates and increments. She noted she would follow-up with the current rules. Board direction was given to District Counsel. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -April 9, 2024, at 5:00 PM Mr. Showe stated the next meeting date will be on April 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Discussion was held on the possibility of cancelling this meeting. Mr. Showe recommended cancelling the meeting and sending a notice to the Board if there were no pressing items. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Cordova, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. 7