VillaSolCommunity Development District Proposed BudgetFY 2025 A picture containing text Description automatically generated 1-2 3-6 7 8-10 11 Assessment Schedule Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2018 Narratives Capital Reserve Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gs2eet5d REVENUES: CARSInpacotrceoerecmrysiea s FsRl CtoAe aIrnsnwrstcdeaaosslrmssdme Beanlatsn -c eOn Roll $ 1776 12 3 241,,,,,200359000080070 $ 2659 15 2 231,,,,,973229881704995 $ 7 1 2 77,,,,260911066106 - $ 275 17 45 581,,,,,090210907800055 $ 1,1 14 4 555,,,,000000060005 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 9 53,105 $ 9 65,657 $ 88,793 $ 1,054,450 $ 1,169,065 EXPENDITURES: Administrative: LPIPCWIPTMDAAAASOPOEDPnnueroorrRnrsrntitfuasfestfioouhgbspsmgn-oeniounsbeppFatcseieisruetrtraanmsstelrIeer,mirnam ae ggCisn eAvLrratCSnulemeeeAeattgei igiduuAs ynyyc mcnrt F&eev&Moperei iiuaATeo nnceer r pnR tdDGaeaBenap rntgilsFeiis ottenexi iptAtenTebeiinn neltossrFtdiseae dsie va eCneAsn&mtcireinh eenhsgg-a raiSsa egnelnTynu rrnoLiegcbstlileetoaserscbgparyihtliiipoottynnieons $ 2 4 3 3 1 42 1 34 169 5 9595,,,,,,,,,,,,,,003600 1 44000 6200 5 40 1 6003000001000050000078007000000000000000059 - $ 1 2 2 1 9 46 533 43 1,,,,,,,,, 27 2 6957 50 61 778 475 1 264500080006230867795520008000901036151 - - - $ 2 1 1 2 140115,,,,,, 7 4 99 45 508 202 4 339 5000000380328580000000100493 - - -- - - - $ 1 4 1 3 3 19 129 1 6 505 15 48 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,07 758 4070 60000 470 180 6045 50000800000083070070500000080000003105003 $ 2 5 1 3 3 12 111 16 515 15 19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52 8 128 4408 60000 50 1 50 6009000005000000000700800100000000000000050090 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 188,461 $ 107,854 $ 78,640 $ 186,495 $ 186,805 VillaSol Community Development District Proposed Budget General Fund Page 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gs2eet5d VillaSol Community Development District Proposed Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures FCPBRRRALCCEWRGGGiaraoolac&&&ea&aeeaoncpnnrnttlMMMMcteeep dditteCett srre r sArMaroSPRCMsaairac lccdi &iccoota aClgapOciy ttemiapt Rnoen enS yus--dTensaea emttILLs sageptglwnC aaaroxen&ealooknyeeenmai nlerrdAstn sAt M esalMci lcnr&nneeaeaatg d yiaMpinew nSentatet aceirnynynusatacentnnuccaerenece $ 1 224161111 01120280539551 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 050010000018004 040000040009000 000000000006000 -- $ 1513111 222603403736 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 28807081307980 90034035005630 70058011906985 --- $ 51 3 1 1 1 4 1 360 3403 736,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 721500 83207980400003030605630040008019006985 - - $ 1 112 6 2 1 2 3 127 162 10 6807572,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 501802060460596040000476011013710000055101703850 - $ 1 20 16 22 6 2 12 500 3 8051800,,,,,,,,,,,,, 500000100505004000000000000000000000000000 - - - TOTAL FIELD EXPENDITURES $ 334,076 $ 174,537 $ 166,048 $ 340,585 $ 344,640 Parks and Recreation ISCCCCCCPERRRRAAAHWneoaaoooolc&&&&mmoetacpcponnnnleMMMMctueeieiilttttredttt nnrsirrrrC naarnaPPTCiaasaiiit hellttcy g&aolcccey CyyutORei etttrno tL o SmbSkne-Myu---lnin e sehssgcRtFPSiiartelwosychhooearvnr autoCefuyeoivailucsrlno r nleg-&ee siuMg t feeRsF afrCm auoiSStonsioneeennsrrfdnt tvveitrniinoccgeelal n-e rTceransfer Out $ 3 011123 012457912257 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 0255523457700044 0000500004800045 0000000000800000 --- $ 3 10 1 3345679503,,,,,,,,,, 3890124678103 6037013568930540151345789705 ----- $ 119 339 1235355,,,,,,,,,, 245890175668017003370890289038001560470588017 --- - $ 3 1 11 111390 17 114215015560,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 555554692090229900006846710503778000088017103005990 -- $ 5 11 1 24 38 2455 722025,,,,,,,,,,,, 501002350450000200050050000000000000000 - ----- TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION $ 430,568 $ 370,819 $ 156,551 $ 527,370 $ 637,620 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9 53,105 $ 6 53,210 $ 4 01,239 $ 1,054,450 $ 1,169,065 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 3 12,447 $ ( 312,447) $ - $ - Page 2 FICA Taxes Payroll taxes on Board of Supervisor’s compensation. The budgeted amount 7.65% of the total Board of Supervisor’s payroll expenditures. for the fiscal year is calculated at Annual Audit aFTnihrtemi cD.i pTisahttreei dcbt ui indsc grreeetqaeusdei ra.emdo tuon cto fnodru tchte a fnis acanln yueaal ra iusd bita soef dit so nfi ncoannctriaalc rteedco fredess bfryo amn t Ihned perpeevnidoeuns ty Ceearrt eifniegda gPeumbleicn tA pclcuosu nting VillaSol Community Development District Engineering fTohre mDoisntrthiclty's beonagridn e emr e wetiilnl g psr, o vreidveie wge n oefr a iln evnogiciense,e rainndg s oetrhveicre ss p teoc itfhicea lDlyis t rreicqtu, ei.set.e dat atessnidgannmceen atsn.d preparation Dissemination Agent aTwmhiteoh bu GonMnt.dS pinrdoevnidtue rteh ereseq ureesptosr ats s. pTehceia alm anonuunat li sr ebpaosretd o unp tohne tDhies tcroinctt’rsa dcetvelopment activity. The District has contracted Attorney aoTtththeee n rDd irasentsrceieca tar’snc hd A pattrsoesrpinganeryead,t i Lo aanst hf odarimr me, cLotuendnth a lb,y Ey B d toehaner &d B mBoaeeraedut id noignf se S,, ur wepveilirle v wbise oo frp scr o oanvntidrda i ncthtgse , gr Deenviseiterrwaicl to lMfe agaganrla e sgeeemrrv.einctess a tnod trhees o Dluistitorincst,,, Management Fees bTAuhgdree gDeeimtsetedrni acttm. roeucenitv feosr Mthaen faigsceaml eyneta,r A icsc boausnetdin ogn a tnhde Acodnmtrinaicstterda tfievees s oeurtvliicneesd a isn p Eaxrht iobfi ta " MA"a noaf gtheem Menatn Aaggeremeemnet nt. The Assessment Administration CGoMllSe Nctoorrt ahn, LdL fCin parnocviaidl easd v aisssoersys smeervnitc esse.rvices for closing lot sales, assessment roll services with Osceola Tax Arbitrage Rebate bTohne d Ds.istrict has contracted with its independent auditors to annually calculate the arbitrage rebate liability on its Trustee Fees Tmhaet tDerisst.rict issued this Series of 2018 Special Assessment Bonds that are deposited with a Trustee to handle all trustee Supervisors Fees a$Ct2ht0ae0pn td epirne g1r 9 6m0 m eoeeft etihtniegn gF isnlo. rwidhai cSht a tthueteys aatltleonwds. f o Tr hmee bmubdegrest oedf t haem Boouanrtd f oofr S tuhpee rfvisicsaolr sy teoa rb e i sc o bmaspeedn s oante dall supervisors Budget Narrative REVENUES Fiscal Year 2025 Expenditures - Administrative Access Cards cRoedveesn/uree m cooltleesc/testdi c fkoerr s r etop ltahcee gmaeten.t access cards to the Clubhouse for replacement access bar Interest Income The District earns interest on the monthly average collected balance for each of their operating accounts. Room Rentals The District receives revenue from the rental of the Clubhouse for events. Special Assessments - On Roll tThhee o Dpiesrtraitcint wg eilxl pleevnyd ait uNroens- dAudr Vinaglo trheem F iasscsael sYsemaer.nt on all sold and platted parcels within the District in order to pay for Page 3 VillaSol Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 $21,000 Monthly$ 2A$$,110v$$e56006r00005age $28,500 Printing and Binding Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Legal Advertising nTehwe s Dpiasptreirc to fi sg e rneeqruailr ceidr c tuol a atidovne.rtise various notices for monthly Board meetings and other public hearings in a Electric fEoluecnttraiicnitsyir raicgcaotuionnts c lwocikths , Kanisds ilmiftm setaet i Uontisli atyn d A puuthmoprsit.y T hfoisr a llisgoh tinincglu odfe st hueti lfirtioenst f oern tthrye gfeaatetuhroeuss,e facility. Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Information Technology cTohme pDuistetrri clet apsreodc ebsys eGso avlelr onfm itesn fitnaal nMcaianla agcetmiveitniet sS,e ir.ev. iaccecso –u Nntosr ptha yFalobrlied, afi,n LaLnCc.ial statements, etc. on a main frame Due, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to Florida Department of Commerce for $175. Other Current Charges This includes monthly bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Property Appraiser frFpCToelaohorirmemmrc iOembdsls,ua iw cs r Ssessituoiteaohplstani punt eChlt iretoeeshsu s Be,c, n a oo D tddsayimtars sBdtt iarwo noi ac iaf srtp sCt dbr rbo oaoomactufsie vnmCesedodsi aism consrongmiisoe, t asin ss ,c eu ssaorinhnomsiad ntflp o elpt urhrirn tsienecc perenlur c aepoedmqevseursie, d iabpsper uamaysrtn tcaendhedno elamt.t ,dD bpidnieosri stselrittsmairscgaetiett swie,v doaietn f h c tdt hooa pse , ltr io ssot whtiginornncasgeuem ror s rmf c eotoidhfns esgtt uos.l e c T p ghahra sepols vrbdooiuecdpisdeaecg trtreehtiypdti s.t f oi sTowrenh irBt evoho iDf ac e eirpsad. etc rProhisecf o ptr n rtonhpeee l,r t y Website Maintenance This represents cost for community website construction, maintenance and new service to allow public access. Field Management The District will contract management services for the operation of the Property and its contractors. Expenditures – Field Office Supplies Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Communication - Telephone New internet and WiFi service for Office. Postage & Delivery cAocrtrueasl ppoonsdtaegnec ea.nd/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other Insurance General Liability sTpheec Diailsitzrei cint' sp Groevniedrianlg L iinasbuilriatyn c&e Pcuobvelirca Ogfef itcoia glos vLeiarnbmilietyn tIanls augreanncciee ps.olicy is with Egis Insurance & Risk Advisors. They Property Taxes Property taxes for parcels owned by the District 2995 Simpson Rd Guardhouse 222888000000 BBBoooggggggyyy CCCrrreeeeeekkk RRRddd FPEounumtrnyptain 0 Villa Sol VLITE Page 4 VillaSol Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Monthly A$1v$$e780r080age $6$30,,100000 $15,000 $8,500 $60,000 $20,000 $20,000 $1,000 $100,000 $2$,504000 $5,000 Bar Codes Gate security system requires car stickers. Contract - Lake Maintenance cSochnesidsut loefd c mheaminitceanl atrnecaet mcoennstiss.t sA olgfa ien scpoencttriooln ws ialln idn ctrluedatem reenmto ovfa Cl DanDd l ackheesm aincadl ptroenadtsm. eHnetrsb.iciding will R&M-Pipe Inlet & Structure Scheduled repairs and maintenance of the storm sewer system within the single-family residential area. General Repairs & Maintenance tThhei sb ucdatgeegto lirnye i sit efomrs .any items related to general maintenance of common areas that are not covered in Capital Outlay Major expenses or asset acquisitions the District may incure throughout the year. Gate Maintenance lTinheis i cteamtesg.o Irnyc lius dfoers ainntye ritneemt sa nredl avtoeidce t ob umsasiinnetesn aacnccoeu notf tahvee rgaagteeh $o2u4s0e. 0th0a mt aornet hnloyt. covered in other budget Property Taxes Property taxes for parcels owned by the District. Contract - Landscape The District currently has a contract with Blade Runners landscape service. Landscape Contingency bTuhdisg ecta ltiengeo irtye mis sf.or any items related to maintenance of landscape that are not covered in all other R&M-Roads & Alleyways This category is for any item related to maintenance of the roadway systems. R&M-Signage Smcahiendteunleadn mcea cionntesnisatns coef omf itnhoer s rigenpaaigre a cnodn rseisptlsa ocef mcleeannt,i ntogu acnhd-u gpe npearinatl imnga.intenance. Unscheduled 222989009005 SSBiioemgspgtays o VCnire eRweok aD dRr oiGvaued aI rFrdrohuonutasien Expenditures – Field (continued) Water & Sewer Water and Sewer accounts with TOHO for the fountain, Guardhouse and irrigation. Page 5 VillaSol Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 $5,250 $22,000 $12,000 $10,500 $3,120 $12,450 Monthly$ 1A,2ve7r5age $2,300 MMoonntthhllyy AA$$$113vvee034rr055aaggee $4,000 $8,000 $500 $7,500 $5,000 $545,000 Amenity Management The District will contract management services for the operation of the amenities. Security Services cTahbea Dnias tarriecat huansd ae rc oronotrfa.ct with MagnoSec to monitor and service the pool and surrounding deck, as well as Contract - Pool Maintenance pTohoel .District currently has a contract with Churchills Group Holdings, Inc. to maintain and repair the Amenity - Refuse Service The District is currently using Waste Management service to remove garbage. 3050 Puerta Del Sol Clubhouse Internet Internet acScpoeucnttr u wmit Ch h Saprteecrt r-u Cmlu fbohro Culsueb Ihnoteursnee.t Electricity Electricity accounts with Kissimmee Utility Authority for clubhouse. Pool Chemical & Controller fTohuen tDaiisnt.rict currently has a contract with Churchills Group Holdings, maintain and repair the Expenditures – Parks and Recreation Contract - Fountains fTohuen tDaiisnt.rict currently has a contract with Churchills Group Holdings, maintain and repair the Water & Sewer Water and Sewer accounts with TOHO for Clubhouse. 3050 Puerta Del Sol Clubhouse Access Control sTyhsitse fmee. includes maintenance and monitoring from Servusat and Spectrum for after hours clubhouse alarm Capital Reserve Funding - Transfer Out TRhesise ravmeo Sutnutd iys. set aside to be transferred to Capital Reserve Funding during the fiscal year as per the STpVe/cItnrtuemrn Cehtarter - Clubhouse Office Contingency This includes any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Access Control sTyhsitse fmee. includes maintenance and monitoring from Servusat and Spectrum for after hours clubhouse alarm Page 6 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gs2eet5d REVENUES: CICnaatrperirytea Fsl toR Irenwsceaorrmvdee B Faulanndcineg - Transfer In $ 3 0 07,,000000 - $ 3,671 - $ 3 0 60,,000000 - $ 3 0 09,,060701 - $ 3 5 042955,,,400600100 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3 07,000 $ 3,671 $ 3 06,000 $ 3 09,671 $ 8 79,461 EXPENDITURES: Other Current Charges $ - $ 105 $ 105 $ 210 $ 500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 1 05 $ 1 05 $ 2 10 $ 5 00 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 3 07,000 $ 3,566 $ 3 05,895 $ 3 09,461 $ 8 78,961 VillaSol Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund Page 7 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gs2eet5d REVENUES: MCInaatreirnryet eFsnto aIrnnwccaoerm Ade sSsuerspsmlusents $ 212,7 11070 - $ 1 1838 63,,,724003169 $ 21 3,,204060 - $ 2 1039 93,,,924430796 $ 2 105 780,,,026081045 TOTAL REVENUES $ 2 12,817 $ 3 28,345 $ 24,246 $ 3 52,591 $ 3 65,899 EXPENDITURES: Series 2018 A-1 IPInnrttieenrrceeipsstta l-- -15 51//1/11 $ 1 22 2404,,,000606909 $ 24,069 - - $ 1 2 2 04 ,, 00 06 09 - $ 1 22 2044,,,000066099 $ 1 2 22522,,,066022099 Series 2018 A-2 IIPnnrttieenrrceeipsstta l-- -15 51//1/11 2 6 60,,,990110990 6,919 - - 2 60,,901090 - 2 6 60,,,990110990 2 4 40,,,303707505 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2 01,976 $ 30,988 $ 1 70,988 $ 2 01,976 $ 1 99,009 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 10,841 $ 2 97,357 $ ( 146,742) $ 1 50,615 $ 1 66,890 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 2211,,006677 VillaSol Community Development District Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2018 A-1 and A-2 Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 8 010101010000000011111111155151511111111155555555P////////////////////////e000000000000000000000000r111111111111111111111111io////////////////////////d332222222222222223333333117665540022233334478899 $ O u B t s a t l 11 11 11 11 1111aa,,,,,,,,,,,,nn345113450055 113344667799dc257992576677223333668888ei500555000000005555555555n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000g 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ R a 22222222223333333333333 t .......................e 24685645002222224444448 05270200000000005555557 00550500000000000000005 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - $ P r i n c 1 1 1 1 11111111 i p 332223455566 a505000005555 l ,,,,,,,,,,,, 000000000000 - $ I n t e r e 11 22 22 22 111111112 s 2588 2599112244003355577 t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22686833006600113344466 01440166662266122228899 05550511779999000033559 - $ A n S eu r a v l 11 11111 1 1 1 1 1 i Dc 676667767666 e e381378870869 b ,,,,,,,,,,,, 584788984646 t 011125802989 351555856899 - TOTAL $ 1,690,000 $ 346,227 $ 2,036,227 VillaSol Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2018 A-1 Page 9 01000000111111101010101511111115555555151515P//////////////////////e0000000000000000000000r1111111111111111111111io//////////////////////d33222222333333322222221100223334788994455667 $ O u B t s a t l aa nn 111111222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 dc 3366990022557788664422ei5555550000555555555555n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0000000000000000000000g 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ra000555555555550000000t.....................e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0 Princip 2223333 2 2 2 2a00055550005l,,,,,,,,,,,00000000000000000000000.0000000000000 $ I n t e r e s 123 1233344444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 881361333336773333333377227225577777777777775555500555555555555555 $ A n S eu r a v l i Dc 333 3333 2 2 2 3 e e34623368883 b ,,,,,,,,,,, 22757777777 t 55505555555 00000000000 - TOTAL $ 285,000 $ 7 6,000 $ 361,000 VillaSol Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2018 A-2 Page 10 Neighborhood UOn&iMts B2Uo0nn2idt3ss PUrenpitasid FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) Townhomes 138 138 0 $1,823.99 $1,217.48 $606.51 $398.15 $398.15 $0.00 $2,222.14 $1,615.63 $606.51 Single Family 278 278 0 $2,722.38 $1,817.13 $905.25 $573.08 $573.08 $0.00 $3,295.46 $2,390.21 $905.25 Single Family- New Debt 77 73 4 $2,722.38 $1,817.13 $905.25 $100.24 $100.24 $0.00 $2,822.62 $1,917.37 $905.25 Total 493 489 4 VillaSol Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit Page 11