MINUTES OF MEETING VILLASOL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The continued meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the VillaS01 Community Development District was held on Wednesday, November 14, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the VillaSol Clubhouse, 3050 Puerta Del Sol Boulevard, Kissimmee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Herman Perez Chairman Corey Gagnon Assistant Secretary Junior Comas Assistant Secretary Michael Edgecombe in person/Zoom Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jarett Wright Field Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel Peter Armans District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Four Board members were present in person constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period (Limited to 3 Minutes) Mr. Showe stated this was the time for audience members to make any public comments. There were comments about neighborhood issues, parking, towing services, tracking, specific incidents, traffic issues, safety concerns, working with HOA, U-turns, adjusting rules, data accumulation, QR codes, and social media. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Engineer November 14,2023 VillaSol CDO Mr. Annans noted the plans for the repairs and additional changes to the RFP for storm water repairs. The discussion included the issues with the soil, the water, the locations, structures, the specific repairs, restoration, and infiltration. He made recommendations for the scope of services for the RFP. Other discussion topics included structures, sewer issues, recommendation was made for the stormwater repairs, cost and vendors. After discussion the Board decided to issue an RFP. On MOTION by Mr. Comas, seconded by Mr. Edgecombe, with all in favor, Authorizing the District Engineer to Advertise the RFP for Stormwater Repairs, With Board Comments Due by December 1,2023, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearings A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-02 Adopting the Revised Rule Chapter Regarding the District's Recreation Facilities Mr. Showe asked the Board for a motion to open the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Edgecombe, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was Opened. Mr. Showe asked for comments on the Amenity rules. The changes were reviewed. Some discussion topics included janitorial services, pool, coverage, and costs. Mr. Showe asked for comments. Fire Marshall numbers, rental cost, operation costs, events, and security guard costs, rental times, and liability were discussed. Ms. Trucco added comments on liability. After discussion the decision was made to change the hours for security for after 5:00 p.m. and over 26 people will require security . The motion was made and passed with a 3 to 1 vote. The Board will submit changes. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Edgecombe, with Mr. Perez, Mr. Edgecombe, and Mr. Gagnon in favor and Mr. Comas opposed, Resolution 2024-02 for Amenity Rules, was approved 3-1. B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-03 Adopting the Revised Rule Chapter n Regarding Parking and Towing on the District's Roadways Mr. Showe asked for comments on the resolution regarding parking and towing. Audience comments included topics on the sides for towing, location parking, approval zones, 2 November 14, 2023 VillaSol CDD household numbers for vehicles, options for parking and no parking areas, blocking driveways, and signage. Ms. Trucco made comments on state law, commercial parking, and other legal topics on parking. Audience comments were made to include holiday parking, restrictions, areas for no parking, rules, sidewalks, cul'd sacs, number of vehicles towed, loss pf parking spaces, signage of no parking, additional parking locations, blocking mailboxes, and concerns with the different streets in the community. After discussion the Board decided on specific areas, signage, and sides of the street locations for parking and towing. Ms. Trucco reviewed the decisions . On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon,-seconded by Mr. Perez; with all in favor, Resolution 2024-03 Adopting the Revised Rule Chapter II Regarding Parking and Towing on the Districts Roadways, was approved as amended subject to counsel and staff review and circulation to the Board prior to final approval. Mr. Showe asked for a motion to close the meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was Closed. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Matters A. Presentation of Bond Refinancing from MBS Capital Markets, LLC The Board asked for the abridged version of the bond refinancing. Ms. Mossing reviewed the specifics of the refining, the assessment area, bond sizing of about 5.445 million and the annual assessments of about $530/unit. The Board reviewed the specifics and the timeline with Ms. Mossing. Ms. Mossing ask for the Board to get back with her. B. Consideration ofPurcbasing Ping Pong Table for Recreation Center Mr. Showe noted the purchasing of the ping pong table for the recreation area and the location. Discussion ensued on the expense, review, and decision to address at a later date. C. Consideration of License Agreement for Driveway Apron Renovation Mr. Showe reviewed the license agreement for driveway renovation. Discussion included theaesthetics oftheproject,nopermitneededfromcounty.Ms.Trucconotedthis isthe standard license agreement and discussed the specifics and the protections to the COD. 3 November 14,2023 VillaSol CDD On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Comas, with three in favor and Mr. Gagnon abstaining, the License Agreement for Driveway, was approved. D. Discussion Items i, Towing During Holidays Mr. Showe stated there had been discussion of suspending towing during the holidays. He added this could be restarted at any point. Discussion ensued on completing the change of the rules on towing and holiday towing, including Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, searching for a new vendor, residential concerns, accountability, the number of calls on towing, bid process timeline, termination of vendor, Supervisor approval, and emergency towing. Final determination was to keep the tow vendor, but do not tow and look for a new vendor. E. Ratification of Agreement for Cleaning Services with DBS Building Solutions Mr. Showe reviewed the agreement for cleaning services with the DBS Building Solutions. Specifics of the scope of services, areas, and insurance were discussed . The number of days for services were also discussed. On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Cleaning Agreement with DBS, was ratified. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Counsel Ms. Trucco reviewed the updates for pursing legal issues, attorney fees, funds requested time for this issued, and amounts for costs of the pursuit. She also received title work and will bring back more information of the title work at the next meeting. The number of claims were reviewed and insurance increases. Resident's concerns and locations were discussed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report A. Approval of Minutes of the October 10,2023 Meeting Mr. Showe reviewed the minutes and he asked for any corrections for comments. The Board had comments on a change. On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Minutes of the October 10, 2023 Meeting, were approved as amended. B. Action Items List 4 November 14,2023 VillaSol CDD Mr. Showe reviewed the action items list. Several issues were discussed. C. Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe reviewed the check register and the general fund checks. Discussion ensued on some refunds, vendor checks, and an explanation on some line items. On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. D. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Showe stated there was no action from the Board. E. Presentation of Sheriff Patrol Reports The Patrol reports and Detail Activity Sheet are both included in the agenda. These'were reviewed for the Board. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Field Operations A. Field Manager's Report Mr. Wright presented the Field Manager's Report. i, Maintenance Bids Summary Mr. Wright updated the Board on the bids ' summary and each of the proposals. Discussion ensued on the damage to the cameras to capture the license plates due to water. Gates, pavers, concrete, sensors, costs, and funds were discussed. Ms. Trucco noted that the cameras were important for getting footage to say that someone broke the gate. Mr. Perez motioned to approve the Computer Tech proposal for $2,770 to do the two LPR cameras for the gate. On MOTION by Mr. Perez , seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with Mr. Perez and Mr. Gagnon in favor and Mr. Comas opposed, Approving the Cameras, was approved 2-1. B. Monthly Pool Maintenance Proposals i. 5 Star Pools ii. Exalt Outdoors iii. Techni-Pools 5 November 14, 2023 VillaSol COO Mr. Wright reviewed the pool maintenance proposals. He recommended approving the 5 Star Pools proposal, as he works with this vendor at another location and he has done a great job there. On MOTION by Mr. Comas, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Proposal from 5 Star Pools for Monthly Pool Maintenance, was approved. C. Spa Filtration Repairs i. Techni-Pools -2 Options Mr. Wright discussed the two options for spa filtration repairs. No action was taken on this item at this time. D. Spa Heater Repairs i. 5 Star Pools ii, Exalt Outdoors iii. Techni-Pools Mr. Wright reviewed the spa heater repair proposals. On MOTION by Mr. Comas, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Proposal from 5 Star Pools for Spa Heater Repairs, was .approved. E. Pool Filter Grid Replacement i. 5 Star Pools ii. Exalt Outdoors iii. Techni-Pools Mr. Wright reviewed the pool filter grid replacement proposals. On MOTION by Mr. Gagnon, seconded by Mr. Perez, with all in favor, the Proposal from 5 Star Pools for Pool Grid Filters, was approved. F. Clubhouse Roof Replacement i. Icon Roofing -2 options ii, Jannery Roofing iii. Skylight Roofing iv. TruGrit Roofing Mr. Wright discussed the clubhouse roof replacement. No action was taken at this time. 6 November 14,2023 ViIlaSol COO TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests & Comments Mr. Showe asked for Supervisor's requests and audience comments. Mr. Comas requested to remove Mr. Perez as the Chairperson. There was not a second so the motion failed. On MOTION by Mr. Comas, Removing Mr. Perez as Chairman, motion failed due to lack of a second. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -December 12, 2023 at 5:00PM Mr. Showe stated the next meeting date will be on December 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Showe stated that this meeting will likely be cancelled. TWELFm ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Perez, seconded by Mr. Gagnon, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. 7